Denham Jeans

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A new horizon - and overnight travel

Day 2 in Mongolia was an interesting one. I had to tell my roommate I couldn't go watch his football team play (he coaches U15) but instead had to organise the mission content of my trip.

I got some Tugriks (local currency), bought a phone SIM, found it wouldn't work in my phone, and then bought a new Nokia 3310 because it was cheap so my SIM would work.

After this I also bought an SD card reader so I could upload some photos.

Lunch was nice, followed by a trip into what is effectively the CBD, and a few photos of the main things there.

Then, I organised a visit to Erdenet from today to go visit the youth cafe and the Mongolian Mission Centre.

To get to Erdenet, it involves an overnight train trip. At 8pm I pulled all my luggage (including 2x 1.5litre mineral water bottles and 1x 2L Sprite - which I haven't yet drunk). I took my bunk in the cabin and waited to see who else I would travel with.

Luckily for me, the old Woman who came in left, and I was left travelling with three student aged Mongolians, two of whom had good conversational English. It took me a while to start chatting with them, but then we had a lot of fun playing cards and talking which made the 12 hour journey much more fun. Pray for my new friends that when we meet up, I would have a good opportunity to share the gospel.

Today has been a bit different again, smaller city, different people, but a great group to work with.

God is continually kind to me, even when I think things are hopeless.

Keep praying that I get to share more about Jesus.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ulaanbaatar - initial impressions

The time zone thing means that I'm up pretty early this morning.

Drove through the city last night, realised the roads are a bit crazy.

Anyway, the place looks interesting. I have a concrete roof over my head at the moment, and my trip is less structured than I thought it would be. It means I'll get to spend some time looking around at things.

Oh well, I'll be back here every so often to write another update when things happen (perhaps less now that people know I am safe).

Read: Evangelical Truth - seemed very much underpinned by similar desires to the GAFCON movement.

Also read Jeremiah 29, as a result of the "Seek the good of the city" bit quoted by Carson in his book read earlier yesterday. It would seem that there is a lot of ways that chapter is taken out of context, especially when talking about God's plans to prosper being brought as definite promises for this life.

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts on this later.

Thanks everyone for the prayers that I would arrive safely.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Most of the way to Ulaanbaatar

I'm in Incheon (Seoul - South Korea) waiting for my connecting flight.

Taken a few photos already, and experienced a Free Korean cultural event involving Music and Craft. Incheon is an interesting place, lots of tech, lots of gadgetry, but it really feels like it is in the middle of nowhere. I'm going to have to learn to like Incheon though, will be spending a number of hours here in between bits of my trip. I've also found a few presents I want to buy if I have spare USD on the way home. We will have to see what else there is between now and then!

At the moment (at the airport and on a plane) I'm glad most people have functional English, because I have no idea about Korean.

Please pray for me that I can have good conversations with people, and also that I will adjust appropriately to life.

I read Christ and Culture Revisited by Don Carson on the flight today. XLS Ministry Resources has some for less than $20 (though not online yet), I think it is a pretty good read, though I got tired about 3/4 of the way through.

Next book up for my trip: Evangelical Truth - John Stott.

Next destination: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Will be meeting the Joint Christian Services people at the airport tonight.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Last minute rush

Hi everyone, I'm off tomorrow.
Watch for some early photos etc when they come.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Prepared to Travel

Why am I going?
Because Jesus' death offers grace to all nations.

When am I going?
Saturday morning

Where am I going?

Am I ready to go?
Almost, just need to pack my bags.

Why am I not updating my blog enough?
Because I am busy and tired

Will you get updates while I am away?
Maybe... hard to tell yet

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Things may have changed

I get excited about mission, and then this happens.