Why we don't want to be Canada
All through my law degree, the example of Canada was held high as a place where we should aspire to look for our legal framework.
Now even the state that elects pretty much only Conservative Party members to the National Parliament has gone nuts.
Unfortunately I can't be bothered reading the whole story here, but it has also been picked up by the ACL.
the Alberta Human Rights Commission ordered Alberta pastor Stephen Boissoin to desist from expressing his views on homosexuality in any sort of public forum. He was also commanded to pay damages equivalent to $7,000 as a result of the tribunal’s November decision to side with complainant and homosexual activist Dr. Darren Lund. The tribunal has also called for Boissoin to personally apologize to LundAnd people wonder why I didn't like those feel-good "moderates" from the Liberal Party who had no major qualms promoting this sort of social agenda in Australia.
But once again, the solution is to preach the gospel, and at the appropriate time to sometimes say I will listen to God not men.
And Western Australia's current shambles at state level, with a complete moral failure of the leadership almost mirrors it exactly.
Pete, at 5:24 PM
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