Denham Jeans

Monday, May 05, 2008

Speaking about Mission

OMF has a meeting this weekend.  

I've been asked to go and do a segment on my trip to Mongolia. 

It is weird being asked to go and talk to people.  Part of that weirdness is probably coming from me deluding myself about what I'm doing.

I blog about mission quite a bit, and my excitement about Mongolia has me talking about it all the time, because it is such a big thing happening in my life. 

But at the same time, while I like talking about what I'm doing, I sometimes find it awkward sharing and asking people to pray for me because it feels like it would burden them, and that it would be somehow selfish, especially since I'm only going on a three week trip.

So here goes, please pray that God will continue to genuinely humble me, so that he may be glorified through my service of him.


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