Denham Jeans

Monday, March 10, 2008

"So you're single then - That's great!"

While visiting a church last night, I had a quick conversation with a man I played soccer with in a church yard when we both were boys. He's always been bigger than me, for as long as I remember (even when he was in Kindy and I was in Year 3), and time hasn't changed anything in that regard.

One of the things he said was helpful, even if it wasn't intended to be. He asked if I was married, then asked if I was engaged, and then went "so you're single then - that's great."

The opportunities I have now, especially opportunities for serving Jesus, simply because I don't have to feed a family, support a wife, or live out of home, have been great.

The flexibility brought by singleness to get involved and doing things, and the opportunities to serve allow people to take risks that they would be less likely to take when in a relationship.

Further, when I remember the pain of past dating relationships that have ended, and when I see some relationships that are very difficult, it should be easy to be grateful for where I am at.

Things may change or they may stay the same in this regard, but in the end, there is always a need to thank God for how things are, and not just thank God for what may be.

I am genuinely glad for the chance to develop myself which I have had for the past couple of years. I have considered things that were never what I expected to be doing, and have taken opportunities unimaginable.

God is the loving creator, who showed so much love to me that he offered forgiveness to me through the painful death of his son in my place. He has looked after my greatest need, the need to be forgiven by him, having looked after that, it isn't as if he is suddenly not concerned about all the other things I need.

God gives, and God takes away, but in the end, God is to be praised. He is a great and wonderful creator, and a mighty saviour, and he as a loving father cares for his children. Being married isn't the most important thing, being single isn't either, being God's chosen one, the one to inherit with the church all of creation is what matters in the end.


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