Denham Jeans

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Babies and Denham Jeans

I have spent the past few days with a baby at my house (my sister is visiting with my nephew).

It is rather strange really, because I really don't feel that comfortable around children until they reach a certain level of conversational capacity.

What has struck me though is how much my life would have to change if all of a sudden I had to put a baby first, rather than me, when making decisions.

I wonder if my life could change anywhere near as much (or if it really has) to the point where God ends up being the focus of what I do.

It is hard, a baby does divide your attention in serving Jesus, but I am sure that he may also be showing me where I need to still keep working on growing in my attentiveness for my father in heaven too, just as I realise how much more he has done for me.


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